Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Work IMing
d: (i feel cool saying that)
d: well a little less cool now, since i speeled lunch wrong
d: and spelled
EK: haha
Monday, December 19, 2005
Today $2 fell out of the book I was reading, It really is christmas time... :)
(yah, maybe the money was already mine and it just slipped into my book from my purse but whatever, christmas is a magical time)
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
erum is all set to launch her collections through clothes and crafts outlets at the taj group of hotels
erum is a graduate of the nawabshah medical college for girls in pakistan
erum is
erum is okay
erum is an extremely frost tolerant
erum is from the united arab emirates and foundus through an email
erum is not covered
erum is concerned
erum is a bone speaker from the kingdom of styx
erum is my wife's name karthick trisha
erum is a latin adjective which means 'shiny'
erum is p r oduced
erum is an adjective not a noun as cited in the paper by berge et al
erum is at present doing a master in fine arts on a part time basis and hopes to qualify in the year 2001/2002
erum is bound to be caught up by the new faces and new experiences which mcmaster will drop on her
erum is older than sadaf but due do her fatty stracture she is still unmarried"
10 Things
4. A knowledge of just 100 words would allow you to understand half of any book, even adult fiction, researchers at Warwick University say.
5. Sleep deprivation can make you hear police cars. Ben Fogle, currently rowing across the Atlantic with James Cracknell, reports experiencing just such a phenomenon.
8. A collective noun for a group of jellyfish is a "smack".
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The Magazine Monitor
Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Imran Khan Foundation

- There are relief updates for the past 3 months
- You can donate online!
- Events pictures from past fundraisers
Monday, December 5, 2005
Your Eyes Should Be Brown |
![]() Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart |
Thursday, December 1, 2005
An Observation
@ Work
EK: S: ok styupid
EK: hahaha
EK: you said sty - pid...
S: hahahaha
S: i got it
S: im looking at porn rite now and am disturbed so typing fat
S: fast
EK: ewwwww
S: yah its weird
EK: i hate looking at porn
S: hahaha
S: uve looked at it????????
EK: no
EK: but id hate to
trying to give my fellow IMer some anonymity, but I guess it's obvious who I was conversing with... :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Father & Son

Father & Son
old news but new for me, Ronan Keating did a new version of this song with Yusuf Islam, the video is nice as well.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005

Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing
'cause you can't relate to me
You're blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to you
I'm the persecuted one
You're the red, white and blue
Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come back
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind?
Do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me...
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight
I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
See I've known terror for quite some time
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It's the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I'm terrorized in my own land
But am I the terrorist?
Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows
Has our world gone all blind?
Do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me...
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
America, do you realize that the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize my every living day
So if I won't be here tomorrow
It's written in my fate
May the future bring a brighter day
The end of our wait
Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ohh let's not cry tonight I promise you one day is through
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!
Ooh shine a light for every Soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
OPEN Silicon Valley - Earthquake Resource

OPEN Silicon Valley
every little thing helps.....if you have the time, send out a letter, it could help....
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Monday, October 10, 2005
Earthquake Relief

This email is in regards to the relief fund for the earth quake in Pakistan. Major areas affected are more in the northern areas (poor rural areas). Knowing the poor response of government officials and leading NGOs we are trying to hold this relief effort at a personal level.
We are arranging few trucks to send relief supplies to Mansehra and Abbotabad (remote villages affected severely by the earth quake) area by the end of this week (14th October 2005). We personally know these people and these people are going themselves to these areas to make sure that the supplies reach the right people. What we need is warm clothing, blankets, tents, socks, food supplies like milk cartons, biscuits, rus, sugar, flour, daal or anything. If you are not able to arrange for these things you may send the money and we will buy the supplies ourselves and send it.
Please contact any of the following people if you wish to send any donations, or supplies.
For all the people who cannot donate supplies but are willing to contribute money, we are also in a process of creating a bank account that can be used for any people to wire money.
Sabeen Zehra Kazmi 03009729799
House # 239-B/1, Street # 23, F-11/2, Islambad, Pakistan
Hina Kaleem Barlas 03009566760
House # 36, Street #29, F 8/1, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Nadir Viqar 03005100998
Faiza Khalid 03008563848
Saba Sartaj 03335243526
Please forward this message to other people who can contribute.
other places to donate:
islamic relief
Friday, October 7, 2005
Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Ramadan Mubark

kamran said to put this in my blog so check it out. Click on all the thumbnails to see how this works...its cool!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Friday, September 9, 2005
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Friday, September 2, 2005
Hurricane Katrina
"To those who have commented about the lack of international support: we should help people because it is the right thing to do, not because we expect to get something in return. Did you donate to the tsunami relief because you wanted to help someone or because you wanted them to be indebted to you? It would be nice if the international community would reach out to us, but we are an outstanding nation, and we are capable of helping ourselves, if only we would be so generous. Charity starts at home."
- from BBC
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Man dies after 50 hours of computer games
Pay attention SALMAN and all your other "Clan" losers...
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Monday, August 8, 2005
Friday, August 5, 2005
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Monday, August 1, 2005
Happy Monday
Your Inner European is French! |
![]() Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so. |
Friday, July 29, 2005
First and Last
First-born children are less creative but more stable, while last-born are more promiscuous, says US research.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Friday, June 3, 2005
Happy Friday
ik dhin ik vadah sara munda see magr udhee shakal buree budhsoorat valee see....saray lokee oonoo kendhay see kay jidho thoosee paydhah hoy see, doctor nay thenoo gira dhita see...kahanee dhay vich ik ghada see, thay oh bhoth mazakee see...saray lokee noo hunsa dhindha. thay ik lord farquard hondha hai thay oh upnay ab noo vadee cheez samaj dha hai..oh shandar shehr bananah chanda hai, laykn oh boodhoo hai or banah nahee sakhdha.shrek, budhsoorat bundha, ik koree, fiona, noo pyaar kardha hai. jidho oh onoo vayk dha hai, oodha dhil dharak dha nai. shrek thay fiona pyaar kardhay nay dhoosray noo.
fiona veee baree cheez hegee...oh kadhee kadhee khubsurat hondhee hai, oh kadhee kadhee mitee say vee budhsoorat hondhee hai..anyhoo, kee hondha hai akhree dhay vich, shrek thay fiona shaadi shoodha ho jan dhay nay...or fihr sequel andha nai...dun dun dun!
watch this space for the exciting conclusion!