Tuesday, April 26, 2005

North & South

"The cloud never comes from the quarter of the horizon from which we watch for it"
- Elizabeth Gaskell

...love this book...

Monday, April 25, 2005

Bad Boys

Boys who take risks don't impress girls, according to the academic journal Evolution and Human Behavior

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Happy Thursday!

More cleaning finds...I hope none of these people are someone's relatives. I can't believe we even owned things like these. Notice the "tragedy album" so true...

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Wrong queue

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | 'Wrong queue' for Star Wars fans

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Spring Cleaning

Found this while packing...

Someone once asked me how old I was,
having seen my advanced age turning to gray at my temples
and in the locks of my forehead.

I answered, "One hour. For verily,I count the time I have lived as nothing."

He replied,"What do you mean? Explain. Here is indeed the most moving of things."

I said: "One day, by surprise, I stole a kiss,
a secret kiss, from her who has my heart. However many my days may number,
I shall count only that brief moment, for it was truly my entire life."

Ibn Hazm
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